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If it’s an Amazon superfan that wants to help others through the purchases you’ve made or a charity that requires more financial assistance, beginning with Smile Amazon: How Does it work for donations and charities is easy? Here’s how.

Giving to a brand new or your favorite charity begins with the appropriate URL.

Instead of directly going to when it’s time to shop, desktop shoppers need to input to ensure that their purchases result in the AmazonSmile donation.

If you typically shop on iOS or Android, simply open your Amazon Shopping app. Then scroll to “Settings” within the main menu, then select “AmazonSmile” to activate this feature.

After you’ve enabled AmazonSmile through your AmazonSmile account’s settings, it’s now time to select the charity you want to support.

With more than one million 501(c) organizations associated with AmazonSmile, there are many options for you. AmazonSmile program, you will discover everything from large organizations to smaller charitable organization that is located in your neighborhood.

In this article, you will get the full knowledge about Smile Amazon work and many other topics.

What is AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile is a convenient method to help your favorite charity when you shop for items, and at no expense.

AmazonSmile is accessible on on your internet browser. It can also be enabled in the Amazon Shopping application for iOS as well as Android phones.

If you shop on AmazonSmile you’ll get the same cheap prices, a huge range of products, and a convenient shoppi!ng experience similar to

The additional bonus is that AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5 of the purchase amount to the most prominent charities or groups you like. There are over 1 million organizations that you can donate to.

There’s no cost to either customer or charitable organization, and the entire money raised through eligible purchases goes to the charity of preference. This extra benefit is an excellent opportunity for regular Amazon customers to donate to charities without difficulty.

It’s the simplicity of use that draws socially responsible consumers to AmazonSmile. They can select the charity they would like to donate to and then change the charity at any time and then shop on Amazon’s website or use the Amazon app on mobile devices.

Do you sign-up for Amazon Smile?

Sign in to your Amazon account by going to

Look up “Senior Community Services” using the search bar.

Select “Senior Community Services”

Make sure to check “Yes, I understand that I should always start on to help Senior Community Services.” then click “Start Shopping”

You’re now signed up to join AmazonSmile! All purchases made through will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Senior Community Services.

Be sure to ensure that you’re signed in to AmazonSmile (not when you purchase.

How to use Smile Amazon?

Start the browser on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or another mobile device. Navigate to

Log in with the account you have created with your Amazon account. Enter your email address and password.

If you do not have an Amazon account, go to and click Account & Lists at the top to create one.

Choose a charitable organization. You can choose any of AmazonSmile highlight charities or find one on your own. Click Select to pick.

Click the About link to find out more about the organization you are interested in.

If you wish to change your charity in the future, simply click Account and Lists and then click to change Your Amazon Smile charity under Other Programs.

Begin shopping. Browse Amazon Smile’s Amazon Smile website to find items you want to purchase. 0.5 percent of your purchase will be donated to the charity of your choosing by Amazon when you check out.

Be sure the product has the words “Eligible in AmazonSmile donations” on the product’s detail page.

How to make use of Amazon Smile using the Amazon app on your phone:

Start Amazon Shopping. Open the Amazon Shopping app.

Go into the menu that is main (=)

Click on Settings, and then choose “AmazonSmile.”

Choose your preferred charity, and then follow the instructions on the screen to enable AmazonSmile within the mobile app.

Once AmazonSmile is activated within your app, any subsequent purchase price that maintains eligibility for AmazonSmile will result in a donation to the cause you’ve selected.

Pros and cons of smile amazon

It may appear that charitable giving programs like AmazonSmile could have no negatives, but that’s not the scenario. Here are some of the issues that consumers, shoppers, and charities must consider before taking the plunge.

Pros and cons for shoppers


Automatically donate funds to charities by making purchases you already make at no cost.

Select your preferred charitable group to be the beneficiary of your donations. If the charity is eligible, AmazonSmile will reach out to them directly regarding registering.

AmazonSmile Charitable Lists offer a second, secure method of helping others by giving certain products to verified charities who have asked for them.


If you purchase from Amazon on the internet but don’t include “smile” at the start of your URL, your purchases will not make an amount of money to donate. (Tip Make sure to bookmark the AmazonSmile site in your browser and be sure to look to see if there’s an AmazonSmile logo prior to making the purchase.)

Since donations are made through AmazonSmile Foundation, which AmazonSmile Foundation owns, your contributions aren’t tax-deductible.

Pros and cons for Consumers


It’s free and easy. The majority of people shop for a certain amount through Amazon, which is why it’s simple to make the option of making a donation to charity.

It’s simple to sign-up for a charity, select one and take a small amount of the purchase price to be donated to the charity. There’s no additional cost for the buyer over the price of the purchase.


Requires double-checking. AmazonSmile requires you to double-check you’re on the right site. Although it is simple to shop and donate via Amazon, however, you must confirm that you’re on the AmazonSmile shopping site for it to function properly.

The amount of your donation is not much. It takes an extremely long time to allow your contributions to be substantial. Small donations shouldn’t be a substitute for donations of larger amounts that you directly give to your favorite charities.

Pros and cons for charities


It is free for participating in AmazonSmile, and no administration fees are taken out of the funds you receive.

Create a charity list to solicit specific items that your charity requires.

Consider applying to be a correct organization that is a spotlight to raise the percentage of customers who will choose your cause through AmazonSmile.


Amazon does not actively promote AmazonSmile this could make it difficult for potential donors to locate and help your cause through the program.

Since charities can only receive 0.5 percent of the eligible AmazonSmile transactions, participation is unlikely to yield significant funding, especially in the near term.

Donations for the quarter may be decreased due to the return of purchases made in the past.


How to set up Smile Amazon?

Amazon has many critics; however, it is difficult to ignore as a provider of nearly everything, and everything is priced at a price so affordable that it’s difficult to ignore them. Therefore, a minor sacrifice in using the service if you feel they aren’t ethical is making the change for Amazon Smile.

If you choose to make the change while doing your normal shopping through Amazon, you’ll be able to give a percentage of the items that you purchase from the platform to an organization of your choice.

This is a popular option for fundraising because there’s no additional cost for the buyer: Amazon takes a proportion of the purchase and donates money to the eligible organizations you choose.

We have set up the Amazon Smile account for our client Arts Derbyshire. Therefore, the account is, and therefore we thought it would be a great idea to write an easy how-to guide to provide useful information to any charity out there that would like to raise money for themselves by this method.

How can I shop at Smile Amazon in the most efficient way?

Go to or enable AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone to begin shopping with AmazonSmile (located in the app’s settings).

If you’re using a browser, you may be able to add your bookmark on to make it easier to come back and start shopping on AmazonSmile.

When making use of the application, make sure to look to see if you can spot that “AmazonSmile” emblem to confirm that you’re registered for AmazonSmile.

How to change Smile Amazon charity?

Log on to Sign in to your account the same way you sign in to

Find “My Account” in the upper right-hand corner of your web page. Click the link. Scroll to the Settings area that appears. Under Account settings, choose “Change your charity.”

Select one of the highlighted charities and use the search function to locate the nearest charity. To be eligible for this program, the company must be a 501(c)3 (tax-deductible) charity that has registered with Amazon Smile. If you aren’t sure which name is associated with a particular local organization, you can look up the location of the charity.

Click the “Select” button right of the charity you’d like to donate to. You should come across an advertisement that says, “Thank You.” If you shop at, the proceeds from your purchase will benefit XYZ charitable organization.”

You can look for the tiny writing in the center of the page. It reads, “Supporting XYZ charity. ” You can also alter your chosen charity by clicking on the drop-down box right next to the writing and selecting the “Change your Charity “Change Your Charity” link.

How much does Smile Amazon donate?

Suppose you are able to give your time or energy or make financial donations or even participate in charitable activities. In that case, you are likely to help an organization to people in need in one way or another way.

AmazonSmile is a great method for customers to donate to causes they are passionate about each whenever they shop at Amazon, from international humanitarian initiatives to local schools and hospitals.

From 2013 onward, charities that concentrate on education, animals, health, and disaster relief were the most loved by AmazonSmile users throughout the U.S., making up more than 50% of AmazonSmile charities that customers support.

Customers can start giving to their favorite charity through AmazonSmile at the time of Prime Day and throughout the holiday season.

AmazonSmile Foundation will directly make donations for you, and you don’t have to pay for anything when using AmazonSmile. This is also an effective means of avoiding tax deductions.

0.5 percent is certainly not a huge amount, and you’ll have to invest a significant amount of money to get a significant amount of money; however, it can be a great method to increase your charitable donations to your preferred charity.

When a customer makes an eligible order, AmazonSmile Foundation donates the amount and then deposits it into an account designated to the organization.

Every quarter it is the time that The AmazonSmile Foundation deposits the donation money via electronic funds transfer. Your organization will receive funds around 45 days after the end of the previous quarter or when the donation amount is at an amount that is less than a certain threshold.

Final thought

I hope that this article will give you an understanding of AmazonSmile and how it works.

If you’re now familiar with the fundamentals and the basics, I’m certain that you’ll be able to succeed in creating your AmazonSmile account and take one step closer to helping make the world a better place.

Thank you for coming to see us.

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