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Getting dofollow backlinks is important for SEO to give variety to your backlink profile. It is no secret that quality backlinks are still regarded as your website’s number one ranking factor and a proven method for increasing site authority. Do you want to leverage your site’s SEO? If yes, then you have to build high-quality do-follow backlinks. There are many sources for building backlinks, but buy dofollow backlinks can help you better and quickly rank your website.

The real fact of getting high-quality dofollow backlinks takes a lot of work. Many newcomers and website owners in a digital marketplace would prefer to link simple ways to build link building to their websites. However, all the link-building techniques do not follow Google’s guidelines and receive penalties from search engines.

The truth is most website owners these days will buy do-follow backlinks. But buy-do-follow backlinks are worth it and move the needle?

In this article, I would like to share some reliable methods to buy dofollow backlinks to increase your website position on SERPs. You will learn the best places to buy dofollow backlinks and whether or not it is worth it. Hopefully, these techniques will help you get more traffic from search engines. Let’s get started.

Introduction to Backlinks

Backlinks are votes from another website, and each vote tells search engines this content is credible, valuable, and useful. So, the more of these votes you have, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages. Backlinks are also called inbound links. It represents another site’s traffic coming to your website and helps rank higher in search engines.

The ultimate goal of buy-do-follow backlinks is to get better positioning in search engines that drive more traffic and increase sales and profits. All of this makes link acquisition incredibly valuable for business entities.

What are Dofollow Backlinks?

Dodollow backlinks are backlinks without sponsored or Nofollow attributes. It passes authority from one website to another.

There are two types of backlinks (Dofollow and Nofollow). Unlike these, backlinks are used to refer to a particular text.

Search engines see a Dofollow backlink like:

<a href=>anchor text</a>

On the Nofollow, backlinks will look like this:

<a rel=”nofollow” href=>anchor text</a>

Important Note: 

Google considers dofollow backlinks as indicators of passing link juice to the linked page, which helps boost the page’s domain authority and trust to win a better ranking.

Nofollow links do not pass any SEO benefits, but if you link the most popular website, these Nofollow backlinks can provide lots of exposure as a clickable citation.

What is link buying?

Buying or paid links is paying another website for a link leading to your website on its page. Usually, the goal is to buy dofollow backlinks, which can further boost your website ranking in search engines.

You can buy backlinks in various ways, mainly through paid guest posts, directory listings, direct link insertions, publishing PBNs backlinks, and press release distribution services.

Should You Buy Backlinks?

Link building is a hard task, time-consuming, and often soul-destroying. This is why people turn to buy backlinks. Should you buy it, and is it worth it? Let’s take a look at the facts.

Buying backlinks has been a very much hot topic for the past decade, meaning only one thing: backlinks matter. So, what are the basic reasons behind buying backlinks? Let’s explain the key arguments.

Save time: Purchasing backlinks is easier and faster than crafting manual content and promoting backlinks organically.

Save money: The price of paid backlinks can be lower compared to generating organic backlinks. Organic backlinks only happen when someone places a link to your website when they find it beneficial for their audience. For this, you will hire professional content writers and subject matter experts and promote your blog for many years to gain credibility.

It is effective: When you buy quality and permanent, dofollow backlinks that improve your search engine ranking, boost traffic, and build brand awareness. Moreover, when you buy carefully with reputed websites, there is virtually zero risk of a penalty, and Google can’t figure out whether the link is paid.

Is Buying Backlinks Legal?

According to Google, buying backlinks is not a black-and-white question. Buy dofollow backlinks are legal and a normal part of the web economy, but you must buy it directly from a website without web marketing. Buying links is not a violation as long as certain requirements are observed; it is legal to use backlinks when they are qualified with a rel=” nofollow” or rel=” sponsored” value.

Google opposes exchanging backlinks to manipulate search results and considers such practice spam. So, what exactly do search engines view as link spam? Some important and common examples:

· Infringes the general law of ads.

· Excessive cross-linking

· Violation of the terms of use of Search engines

· Extensive campaigns featuring anchor-rich content, keyword-stuffed

· Introduces an element of unfair competition

· Uses an automated system for generating links to your website

· Links with a forum post

· Exchange money, services, or products for a backlink that passes PageRank

· Requiring link as part of terms of service

· Mislead viewers and readers

How to Buy Dofollow Backlinks Safely Do’s and Don’t

Even a few days ago, getting a lot of backlinks for your website page would help you rank higher on search engines. However, in recent times, search engines have brought many changes to their algorithms, meaning many methods you had to use before can backfire now.

So, how to buy do follow backlinks dos and don’ts you need to be careful about. Here are the most exciting tips about buying backlinks to avoid penalties that can damage your online reputation.

Let’s find out.

The Do’s

Buy links from well-reputed websites to act legally in the eyes of Search engines. Before starting negotiations, ensure the website you are considering for link building:

  • It has good domain authority and generates over a thousand traffic per month.
  • Make sure the backlinks are not part of PBN
  • Is the website relevant to your business niche
  • Have thousands of high-quality backlinks from authorities’ websites in your niche
  • Have to share valuable engagement content produced solely for SEO purposes.

The Don’ts

Your link-building success entirely depends on the quality of the website to get links. Google does not know whether links are paid; if it does not like the website, links to your website are at risk of getting penalized.

Given below that none of these best places to buy links for SEO:

  • Only buy links to a website with high domain authority (DA) and zero visitors.
  • The website appears untrustworthy, with poor navigation and design, no unique images, and nonexistent author bios.
  • The PBN is a network of websites created solely to sell backlinks.
  • A website overstuffed with advertisements.
  • It previously penalized the website and has plenty of toxic links.
  • A website that is selling backlinks publicly
  • The website contains numerous links to gambling, porn, and other potentially restricted content.
  • A low-cost gig site like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc., with aggressive link spam that can damage your website’s reputation.

How to Buy Dofollow Backlinks in the Right Way

Major search engines are known to access each website’s ranking position and authority by the quality backlinks pointing to them. Google likes organic backlinks for this process, but if you need quick ranking, you should know how to buy dofollow backlinks and avoid Google penalties at the same time.

Buying backlinks is a double-edged sword. It can help high rank your website or hurt in the long run to be permanently removed from search engine results pages depending on the quality of backlinks.

Some backlinks should be avoided that come from public networks. Otherwise, search engines would detect them and lower your website ranking. So, how do you buy dofollow backlinks without being caught?

Points to keep in mind when buy dofollow backlinks. If you think your site needs to perform having quality content, what you need is a little push. Without a doubt, this can take many forms to buy backlinks.

This aspect is to consider when buying dofollow backlinks. 

Buy quality backlinks are never cheap. Let’s look at topical examples to get a rough insight into where and how to buy dofollow backlinks without the risk of getting a Google ranking penalty.

  1. Authority directories are an acceptable solution to buying backlinks. It is quite simple. You must submit your website and pay the fees commonly charged for a review.
  2. PR1 and PR2 sources can offer to buy links for around $ 30 to $100 or more. These backlinks should be quality and organic. However, when buying them, ensure that the website provider is not selling publicly; it would be easy to spot them.
  3. High authority domain can give you the right solution to buy backlinks. Ensure you are going to the right source; feel free to double-check, as many websites get hacked and played upside down.
  4. Among the safer options, you can reasonably buy links from fellow bloggers in your relevant niche. Bloggers openly ask for cash in return.

How to Buy Dofollow Backlinks for SEO

Buying backlinks may be a challenging task. However, weighing and choosing the best ones will be easier once you know.

Considered to buy Dofollow Backlinks

There are two types of backlinks (Dofollow and Nofollow) in SEO, but all links are not the same.

Dofollow links are great for SEO; they convey authority and improve your website’s search ranking. On the other hand, Nofollow links have the HTML tag rel=” Nofollow” on the source page, and they do not convey any domain and page authority.

Check authority before buying.

Check domain authority (DA) before buying.

When you buy dofollow backlinks, you should check domain quality, and you must follow the parameters-

  • Domain authority: It is a great metric that lets you know the degree of trust it inspires.
  • Domain niche: Refers to the industry to which the domain belongs. You are interested in always staying domain-related to your niche.
  • Domain age: If the domain is relevant, will the effects of the backlink components increase if you buy from an old domain?
  • Search traffic: If the site gets consistent traffic, Google sees it as a valuable resource. Check it out through online tools before purchasing it. You can also ask the website owner for their traffic statistics.
  • Sake selling links: It is vital to check if they sell many selling links. You can check their recent post for unnatural exact match anchors often distributed through the content.

Consider quality than quantity.

A higher number of backlinks can better your website positioning is only partially true. You need to get thousands of low-quality domains to rank higher. It will help you rank higher temporarily; your domain will be penalized sooner. So, buy dofollow backlinks from well-reputed websites will get permanent backlinks, and Google will not be penalized.

Pay once you are 100% satisfied with a secure link from a high-quality website included in a relevant way. Backlinks from well-reputed websites are valuable in helping establish your website’s reputation and relevance in Google’s eyes.

Avoid fraudulent Backlinks

A healthy backlinks profile with high-quality links is an incredible aspect of SEO. Making sure you buy white hat backlinks and avoid bad links is key to preventing Google from being penalized.

If you buy backlinks from spam sites, it is practically considered scam sites. You have to avoid these types of websites. The best way to check bad links on these websites is with a link-buying platform since they have done this check before offering the sites where to place your links.

You have to avoid these types of Backlinks

  • PBNs backlinks
  • Paid links
  • Hacked links
  • Hidden links
  • Link exchanges
  • Low-quality directories

Buy Backlinks from relevant websites.

Your SEO ranking will inevitably increase when you get quality backlinks from legitimate sites. That is why you need to get backlinks from relevant websites to which you want to redirect the backlinks.

You can ensure that the backlinks you buy will be of quality and will help grow your business rapidly.

What to Avoid when Buy Dofollow Backlinks?

We recommend avoiding these three types of backlinks when purchasing them. They are inefficient for now and have become a straightforward way to get a rank penalty. Here is what to avoid when buying backlinks at all costs.

  1. Avoid fraudulent content directories and low-quality web page submissions. We mean your blog or website always contains duplicate text content. Otherwise, your online activity will negatively impact the search engine’s point of view. So, avoid any scam directory that posts poor-quality content to offer dofollow backlinks in return.
  2. Website owners’ massive reverse link exchange schemes should also be avoided. Some of these backlinks work well in favor of your website or blogs. However, the whole thing will probably earn you a classification penalty. If your backlink profile is set up primarily with past links with fraudulent reciprocal links, you raise a red flag for Google to go after you.
  3. High-paid backlinks should be used with special care. When you work with dofollow backlinks, ensure you do not leave any traces. We recommend you mark all sponsored links with “nofollow” attribute tag. Otherwise, Google would see them as manipulative schemes that applied to rank penalties.

Where to Buy Dofollow Backlinks?

There are no easy ways to buy backlinks. Keep in mind there is no one-size-fits-all method when it comes to buying backlinks. Knowing the benefits and risks you might come across when deciding to buy links for your website is crucial.

Here are some ways to be involved in purchasing links and how you might use one to your advantage.

Apart from getting spammy links, it offers an extensive database of websites that are part of low-quality blogs and PBN. You have several proven options to buy dofollow backlinks.

Link marketplaces

A specialized backlink marketplace connects sites selling links with individuals willingly to buy them. It is the best option if you have no time to cover negotiation and research, including relevance, writing mail, etc. The marketplace’s most expensive option, but it brings you guaranteed results.

Professional backlinks agencies

Digital marketing agencies to buy do follow backlinks for SEO that save your time and stress. They have an extensive database of well-reputed websites they have been partnering with for many years, and they will help you buy high-quality backlinks quickly with permanent guarantees.

Unlike the backlinks marketplace, digital agencies provide you with a broad range of services, they value their reputation, and you get backlinks from verified sources.

Private link sellers

You can purchase links directly from a website owner. Well-reputed websites never publicly advertise that you can buy links from them. You make a list of relevant websites and write them a message via email, which usually requires time and effort. However, there are no involved middlemen you have to deal with, and your link go live shortly.

Purchase links from SEMrush


With this comprehensive guide, you can clearly understand that buy dofollow backlinks is cheap, and its benefits are associated with risk. Mind it: Buying backlinks provides a temporary boost to your SEO efforts. It would help if you had well-rounded and organic link-building strategies that would always be the foundation of your long-term success.

Buy dofollow backlinks are an integral part of your link-building successful website promotion. If you can do it carefully, it can bring valuable results. If you choose to do so, a DIY link-building attempt will affect your online reputation and waste a lot of time, money, and effort. So, always decide to entrust a link-building strategy to a professional agency.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is buying do follow backlinks legal?

A: According to search engines like Google policies, Buy do follow backlinks are normal. Violating Google policies and manipulating search results can be considered spam and duly penalized.

Q: Can buying follow backlinks boost my website’s rankings instantly?

A: It’s important to understand that buying do follow backlinks is not a sustainable or recommended strategy for improving your website’s rankings. While it may temporarily boost rankings, search engines like Google constantly update their algorithms to detect & penalize websites that engage in manipulative link-building practices. Ultimately, the best way to improve your website’s rankings is through creating high-quality content and acquiring natural, relevant backlinks from reputable websites in your industry.

Q: Are all dofollow backlinks cheap?

A: Not all dofollow backlinks are cheap. The cost of a dofollow backlink can vary depending on several factors, including the authority and relevance of the website providing the link, the industry’s competitiveness, and the specific page where the link is placed. However, it’s important to note that buying dofollow backlinks is not a sustainable or recommended strategy for improving your website’s rankings. It’s better to focus on creating high-quality content and acquiring natural, relevant backlinks from reputable websites in your industry.

Q: How can I identify low-quality backlinks?

A: One way to identify low-quality backlinks is to look for links from websites with little or no relevance to your industry or topic. Additionally, links from websites with low authority or those penalized by search engines can also be considered low-quality. It is important to regularly monitor your backlink profile and disavow any links that could harm your website’s SEO.

Q: Can buying dofollow backlinks have negative consequences?

A: Buying dofollow backlinks can negatively affect your website’s SEO. Many of these links are considered low-quality and can harm your website’s reputation with search engines. It is best to focus on building high-quality backlinks through organic methods, such as creating valuable content and building relationships with other websites in your industry.