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Discover how applying SEO for a travel website catapults you to the first pages on Google. People are searching, comparing, and booking vacation options; if your website does not show prominently in incredible search results, then lose sales from a travel website. SEO for a travel website is not a theoretical concept, but you have to follow it to optimize your travel website for the best search results.

The travel industry changes tremendously every day, and your travel business is constantly lookout for how to pivot with the times. Travel SEO is a continuously evolving discipline keeping relevant to connect with customers with the help of SEO for travel website business.

So, if you are the owner of a travel agency looking for new customers, read and learn the facts about how to do SEO for travel website. Why does SEO matter, and how can you start a travel website in real-time?

What is SEO in Travel?

SEO in travel websites is the technique of applying SEO optimization to travel-related websites. The ultimate goal of travel SEO is to rank higher for travel search terms visitors are already using. It also targets the keywords your clients are looking for and implements the core strategies on your travel website.

It is one of the most common competitive and evolving travel industry marketing forms. Trave SEO practice can increase the quality and quantity of traffic to travel websites through organic search results.

SEO for Travel Website Most Improving Tips

SEO for travel websites is a continuously evolving discipline that requires optimal results and expertise. You can improve your online visibility by highlighting some basic and main points. So, Let’s see which constitutes effective for online travel SEO success.

  • Make your travel website mobile-friendly; if it isn’t, get a move on to fix that.
  • Pave a path to your website with relevant keywords, so kick up keyword strategy. Make sure your homepage is optimized for keywords to the target location.
  • Optimize local SEO and insert Google maps correctly that will show your business on Google map an organic result.
  • Don’t underestimate the leverage of social media networks. You have to active profile on popular social networks.
  • Make sure that your travel website is (https) secured and loading fast.
  • Enhance inbound link profile and build backlinks from trusted travel-related sources.
  • Use colorful visual unique content and ingesting that attracts traveler
  • Make your website images pretty, face
  • Deliver extraordinary experience to earn positive reviews form online
  • Schema markup for your website and spy on your main competitors

Read more: Looking For SEO Expert in Bangladesh? Top 3 SEO Experts in 2022

What do you post on your travel website?

Here are given few common website blog post ideas to use in the travel industry.

  • Best travel tips like packing tips, airport information, public transport information, maps, and guides
  • Extraordinary guidelines for families with kids
  • A particular area to enjoy your holidays
  • Specific guidelines for young and large group
  • Activities can do at the destination
  • Popular beaches to swim
  • Worth visiting events
  • Local guide for accommodations and food consumes
  • Top-notch images

How to create a travel website?

Beyond creating an awesome travel website, you will need to follow things:

  1. Choose a name of your travel website that is relevant to the travel industry
  2. Sign up for a custom domain name (your website permanent address)
  3. Web hosting will power your travel website to visitors around the World
  4. Add free WordPress software located at
  5. Choose your favorite template to install with WordPress and see your travel blog looks
  6. Add WordPress plugins to help you add functionality, and you will use them to add maps to put travel gallery and many others
  7. Activate your website and create a new post with content
  8. Add content text, images, and video, and share your travel stories
  9. Click the “publish” button and share your post far & wide

Travel SEO Most Common Mistakes

SEO for Travel Websites is immensely challenging. Unfortunately, travel websites do not follow the below steps; that’s why losing traffic and ranking. So, here’s a list of the most common travel SEO mistakes a

Do not use SEO-friendly platforms– Most booking platforms offer several excellent features for travel websites without SEO are terrible. You can generate lots of booking through SEO and chances of achieving a better ranking for your travel business keywords.

Forgetting about index bloat- Typically, with every filter, be it availability facilities, location, amenities nearby, occupancy, and more. If not correctly handled can produce many indexable pages that have no organic value to users.

Duplicate content-You using duplicate content already used on another travel website is syndicating your content to another biggest travel website. It is not good practice, so; you have to use dedicated property pages has to be unique for your travel website.

Unemotive meta titles- Heavy titles cannot inspire high click rates. Create and entice users’ creative titles on your landing page, input your brand and improve the click-through rate.

No social media presence- Social media marketing can’t buy directly book, but it establishes your brand value.

Update content- You have to update content regularly, then the search engine will understand you are active.

Not connecting with clients- if you ignore or do not respond in time to social media messages will negatively affect your travel business reputation in the long term.

Your website is not mobile-friendly- Nowadays, people use mobile for searching anything in the search engine, so optimize your mobile site.

You are not using Google Analytics- It is a convenient business tool to use free for your website to track various metrics.

You are using video; images are not more appealing.

SEO for Travel Website fixes the aboveall errors that will indeed be a benefit to your travel business as well as brand awareness. You must pay serious attention to navigating troubled water and ferry your clints successfully every time. Try to boost page speed and rank high on Google.

Top SEO Ranking Factors for Travel Website

According to modern search metrics, the most crucial ranking factors in the travel website are:

Word count: If you want to rank in the top ten, Google will have above 2500 words limit.

Relevance content: You have to provide related user intent and don’t force a sale on every page.

Several images: Insert HD quality images if you want to rank. Tell your story by the images, not pile on random.

Bullet points: Uses more relevant bullet points that people require and provide key information that will rank your pages.

Use numbers of internal links: On average, over 150 internal links, and ensure your internal linking is logical.

SEO for Travel website: 10 Pro Tips to Generate More Traffic and Sales

The travel business has been extremely expanding competitively every day and competing for rich search results against online travel agencies. So, you must do SEO for Travel Websites to drive traffic, booking, and increase revenue if you want to acquire travelers now and future.

This holds especially true regarding SEO for a Travel website, where relevance is the key to profitability. You cannot well establish a travel website and earn revenue without proper SEO. SEO plays a key role when appropriately applied to keeping your travel website on the first search engine result pages.

We will give you the most effective techniques in the travel sector on how to do SEO for travel website to optimize the ranking of your travel site well. Here is a complete checklist of tactics and tools to help a achieve that goal with Travel Website practices beyond.

Identify your desired Keywords.

Performing thorough keyword research is essential for your travel website regarding on-page SEO. SEO for travel website should always kickstart with thorough keyword research. You take a deep drive travel-related long-tail keywords

Such as a person searching for “hotels in Bangladesh” will find thousands of results to choose from. If you identify the keywords and create content in mind, you will be able to better key sentences that customers are searching for. Solid keyword research is key in bringing targeted visitors to your travel website.

Position among the results of that specific search.

The travel sector is a vast and competitive category; you must select the right niche and concrete customer base. You can choose the broad keywords to reach the top of the search, like “travel planning”, and are better off using phrases called long-tail keywords.

Use long-tail keyword: It can be peculiar to your tourism business. All travelers will not be interesting, but you need to attract those who are fit for you. Here are given few examples of long-tail keywords that show how they can be built around specific tourism niches.

  • Best cheap family vacations
  • Luxury hotels for seniors
  • Adventure travel for single
  • Affordable family resorts near the USA
  • How to travel to Iceland on a budget
  • Pet-friendly hotels in NYC

Once you know the travel-related keywords, you should be chosen keywords to answer those types of questions that travelers ask on the website. Ask yourself what kinds of information do travelers need and looking for? That is why use long-tail key sentences.

Implement basic SEO

As stated, SEO for travel website needs to be understood by Google before connecting with your visitors. It would be very best if you had a checklist On-Page SEO ranking factors.

Page title tag modifiers to display text from the page, especially applicable for creating trendy blogs.

  • Catchy Headline
  • Introduction (First 200 words)
  • Subheadings
  • Image title & Alt tags
  • Image captions
  • Throughout the text, body copy
  • Meta description to provide information for visitors who find you on Google
  • Internal redirection must keep visitors engaged and be much more enjoyable. It redirects people to multiple pages, so they have in-depth knowledge about it.
  • Ensure readability; all content on your travel website needs to be readable.

All the above points are merely the tip of the iceberg, and you have to consider them when doing on-page SEO for travel websites.

Think and apply local SEO

Almost 99.9% of visitors will search with geolocated keywords, including the place’s name. Local SEO sees your business address to help a user search in their surrounding area in Google search for results. It is a great way to optimize your website, and people first show up at your location close to our physical business address.

SEO for travel websites should create a Google my business account which can increase your website search visibility and rank higher on Google maps.

Many necessary steps are applied in local SEO to ensure your business is showcased in local directories. You must take steps to get your business listed in local SEO results.

Create a Google my business account and verify your local business address

Fill up accurate information like description, contact information, images, and many others required for your business in Google my business account

  • Add your business location address to your homepage
  • Add Schema info. To your website homepage
  • Well, optimize your website page title tag, H1 tags, and description of your location.
  • Get high-quality, trusted links from local websites
  • Make sure your business name, phone number, and address in all channels

Homepage SEO

The homepage is very much important for all types of websites especially travel websites it’s even more important. Your homepage should be included like:

  • Nice looking images of your travel business website
  • Beautiful photos of happy people on holidays
  • Insert your most popular properties
  • Your special business offers
  • Most popular content from your website
  • Short Bio within a few words about your business and services
  • Create easy navigation for visitors to search your properties like area, facilities, or price

Create strong landing pages

A straightforward SEO-friendly website landing page has much worth. It is very important for any website because they help answer the inquiries that customer may have. A clear landing page can provide the necessary information and have a compelling CTA on the page.

An impressive Landing page can be turned toward a visitor to your website to become a customer. The sole purpose can be convincing people to take a specific action. The ultimate benefits of a well-structured landing page include:

  • Leave a good, very first impression
  • Generate conversions and leads
  • They help to build credibility
  • It can increase brand awareness

Make mobile-friendly website

You are using the mobile-friendly website to become increasingly popular. Now people search all on mobile compared to desktop. According to Geomarketing from Yext research, nearly 50% of users feel comfortable using mobile for search. You cannot be overlooked, so your mobile-friendly travel website is a crucial part of SEO.

  • Your travel website that achieves mobile-friendly means it has
  • Few drop-down accessible navigation features
  • The design will be the same as a desktop
  • Content easy to scroll
  • Readable font
  • Limited pop-ups
  • Responsive theme and template
  • Faster page speed

Write enticing travel content.

Writing unique content with regularity to help boost your travel SEO and promote your brand. You can optimize the content with relevant keywords and ensure the main keyword is within 100 words, generating traffic to your travel website through Search engines.

Blogging not only showcases your quality content but also targets your keywords efficiently and shows off your expertise in a particular area. When content is written with proper SEO techniques, it is the best way to rank your website top of the first result page in the search engines.

You can hire other content freelancers to write a guest post, which will show your authority because you provide various information to your readers from the experts.

Blogging gives you tons of opportunities to do link building and is a great way to see travel SEO in action. You can create internal and external links in your blogs and internal links to relevant topics that engage readers to spend time that will reduce the bounce rate. Use external links with high authority relevance sites, and then Google understands what your page is about and which niche you want to display in search engines.

Do Relevant Link building.

Link building is the backbones of any website SEO. Create internal links on your travel website when establishing relevant hyperlinks to other pages of your site. It will help Google discover new pages and determine which page should be ranked in the search result pages. Internal links can drive tons of high-quality organic traffic to your website.

If your website has many interlinks, users can crawl your website with ease. The goal of the blog post you create should be that it is authoritative way linked internally to other websites that present as an expert in the travel industry.

Choose the right and mind-blowing images.

High-quality images inspire visitors, so it is an essential part of a travel website, and images can be SEO optimized. Images help with user experience, increase 20% traffic, are a crucial factor in an SEO-friendly website, and are even scanned by Google. So, correctly applying SEO to images is beneficial to both bots and humans.

A few techniques should be considered when applying your images SEO approved on your travel website. Consider the tips when adding the images to your website:

  • Choose the right format file (PNG, SVG, and JPEG); all have a different role
  • Optimize your image to improve the page speed
  • Add compelling captions for your user
  • Give alt text for Google satisfaction

Use social media networks.

People use social media to know and research travel vacations. Promote your travel blog through popular social networks to increase your site visibility and notice what you are offering. Additionally, you can use social media to create relationships with travelers will boost the visibility of your business and brand.

Use SEO Tools

Final thought

We present the most important metrics to optimize SEO for Travel Websites. All factors greatly affect the search ranking of your business website and increase online booking. The basic idea and evaluation of the state of SEO for travel websites must be implemented to improve search engine ranking radically. You also correlate SEO to search engine position and introduce general SEO for relative significance. It will help search engines figure out what about page is and how it is useful to users. The travel blog article proves that SEO for travel websites plays a significant role in tourism business website ranking.